OWN & LOAN: Get your loved one a game worn jersey for Xmas!

NEXT HOME GAMES: We’ve got some Christmas Crackers coming up during December with Belfast, Fife, Coventry, Dundee and Edinburgh all visiting Braehead Arena. Get your tickets NOW via TICKETMASTER or by calling 0844 499 1700.
With Christmas just around the corner are you struggling to think of a present for a loved one? Why not buy them a Clan Own & Loan package!
The concept of Own & Loan means that you will be the owner of the jersey, which will be loaned back to the club and player for the 2016/17 season.
Packages cost £250.00 and includes an invitation to the end of season handback ceremony where you will be presented with your jersey by your player.
The following Own & Loan packages still available:
Black EIHL Jersey packages
#57 Lee Esders – £250
#00 Clangus – £250
White EIHL Jersey packages
#16 Jordan Buesa – £250
#57 Lee Esders – £250
#00 Clangus – £250
Jersey owners will also be named on their players’ profile on braeheadclan.com.
For more information or to purchase your Own & Loan package, please contact Tracy Ross: tracy@braeheadclan.com or by calling 0141 886 6459.
Terms & Conditions
- Full payment must be made at time of application via debit/credit card.
- Owners names will not feature on the jerseys.
- As players have multiple jerseys. The Braehead Clan reserve the right to use jerseys for alternative purposes.
- The Own & Loan package is specific to a player, therefore is non transferable.
- In the event of a jersey owner being unable to attend an event, the club would endeavour to facilitate a handover of the jersey. However due to scheduling commitments, this can not be guaranteed.
- If a player leaves during the 2016/17 season, the jersey will not be available for collection until the hand back evening in March 2017 and the package will be non refundable.