STATEMENT: From Managing Director, Gareth Chalmers

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the anger and frustration that we are all experiencing following our disastrous start to the 2022/23 season.
On behalf of everyone at the club, we would like to apologise for the past 3 weeks – it simply hasn’t been good enough.
To date our results and performances certainly haven’t met our expectations, we are already working tirelessly to rectify that moving forward.
Your support continues to be outstanding home and away, you turn up in fantastic numbers at Braehead Arena and as we saw in Cardiff and Manchester over the weekend, you continue to travel the length and breadth of the country. Your support is phenomenal and you certainly deserve the success we all crave.
Like you, we are very disappointed at the start to our season. There is no way myself or the club as whole will sit there without taking action to produce a team that reflects the efforts and commitment that everyone made to save this hockey club during the pandemic and while the future of Braehead Arena was uncertain.
With the success of the Arena now in mind and our ambitions for the club, we’re investing heavily on and off ice this season and along with are our expectations that we should be competing in the top half of the table.
I have lived and breathed this hockey club 24/7 for the past nine years and have strived for us to be in a position off the ice to start competing for silverware, and we expected this season to be the first of that new stage in the club’s progression. If we have to make changes to achieve those ambitions, rest assured difficult decisions will be made.
This is a team game, on the ice and off the ice it’s one big team, from myself, Gerry, Malcolm, the players, the staff – we are all accountable and collectively we’re fully focused on turning this corner together!