Clan in the Community


As part of the Glasgow Clan’s Community Involvement pledge, we would like to invite your school to take part in our school visit programme, “Healthy Minds”.

The Glasgow Clan Healthy Minds Programme is an educational and interactive session led by players, focusing on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle; what it takes to be a professional athlete, why it is important to have a healthy diet and take part in regular physical activities, alcohol awareness, and the importance of saying no to drugs. In addition to the programmes educational objective, students also have the opportunity to participate in fun, interactive activities with the players! This may include trying on a full kit of equipment, learning and playing a small hockey game, and other interactive games to help introduce the sport of ice hockey to local students.

The aim of the Healthy Minds Programme is to provide a fun way to reinforce positive and healthy messages to students. Our players value the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with their young fans, and are eager to provide students with a new and exciting educational experience. This programme reinforces our players standards as positive role models in our local community.

Over the last few years we are proud to have been out in the Greater Glasgow community doing our part, and in the future we plan to undertake even more opportunities. The Clan in the Community initiative is further being developed and expanded so that we can engage even more with local youths, through the development of reading programmes and other educational and charitable projects.

If you would like to arrange a visit for your school, youth group, or sports club, or would like more information about the Healthy Minds Programme, please contact the Clan office by email.

We look forward to seeing you in the classroom!